The Astronomy Center has provided educational resources to introductory astronomy educators since 2003. Over the past 20 years, the rapid pace of discovery has rendered some of our linked resources obsolete. Thus, the Astronomy Center will be decommissioned on March 1, 2022. Our highest quality resources will be retained on
An annotated overview of 98 astronomy applications for smart phones and tablets has been published in the on-line journal "Astronomy Education Review." Compiled by Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College), the list features a brief description and a direct URL for each app.
The listing includes a variety of apps for displaying and explaining the sky above you (some using the GPS function in your device); a series of astronomical clocks, calculators, and calendars; sky catalogs and observing planners; planet atlases and globes; citizens science tools and image displays; a directory of astronomy clubs in the U.S.; and even a graphic simulator for making galaxies collide. A number of the apps are free, and others cost just a dollar or two. A brief list of articles featuring astronomy app reviews is also included.
Fraknoi, A. (2011, December 22). Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices: A First Catalog. Astron. Educ. Rev., 10(1), 010302. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
Fraknoi, Andrew. "Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices: A First Catalog." Astron. Educ. Rev. 10, no. 1, (December 22, 2011): 010302, (accessed 9 September 2024).
Fraknoi, Andrew. "Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices: A First Catalog." Astron. Educ. Rev. 10.1 (2011): 010302. 9 Sep. 2024 <>.
%A Andrew Fraknoi %T Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices: A First Catalog %J Astron. Educ. Rev. %V 10 %N 1 %D December 22, 2011 %P 010302 %U %O application/pdf
%0 Journal Article %A Fraknoi, Andrew %D December 22, 2011 %T Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices: A First Catalog %J Astron. Educ. Rev. %V 10 %N 1 %P 010302 %8 December 22, 2011 %U
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