The Astronomy Center has provided educational resources to introductory astronomy educators since 2003. Over the past 20 years, the rapid pace of discovery has rendered some of our linked resources obsolete. Thus, the Astronomy Center will be decommissioned on March 1, 2022. Our highest quality resources will be retained on
This tutorial begins with a description of Hubble's discovery that other galaxies exist besides the Milky Way and how these galaxies are classified. Hubble's classification categorizes galaxies as either spiral, elliptical, or irregular. Under these topics there is a link that gives information about the structure, components, classification system, diameter, and the average number of stars for each galaxy type. The next section talks about the different ways that galaxies can interact, collide, or merge. The tutorial ends with a short quiz.
Miller, K., & Miller, S. (2000). Introductory Astronomy: Galaxies. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from
Miller, Kristen, and Scott Miller. Introductory Astronomy: Galaxies. 2000. (accessed 15 September 2024).
Author = "Kristen Miller and Scott Miller",
Title = {Introductory Astronomy: Galaxies},
Volume = {2024},
Number = {15 September 2024},
Year = {2000}
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%0 Electronic Source %A Miller, Kristen %A Miller, Scott %D 2000 %T Introductory Astronomy: Galaxies %V 2024 %N 15 September 2024 %9 text/html %U
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