This lab focuses on the optical generation and modeling of Surface Plasmons, in particular the attempt of predicting and generating a resonance condition in a three layer system; glass, metal and air. The lab is designed to easily create a film and test it's resonance with minimal cost and time to prepare the setup between testing. This concept can be demonstrated in a more elaborate setup, but is not necessary unless this demonstration will be used as a research instrument afterwards. This lab is comprised of four main parts:
1. Understanding the theory of SPR, through deriving the Fresnel equations from Maxwell Equations. 2. Determining the optimal conditions for the Prism Coating (Modeling). 3. Fabricating the coated prism with a deposition system. 4. Comparing modeling and experiment, explain error.
AAPT Summer Meeting - Workshop 38: Advanced Labs
Part of the American Association of Physics Teachers Conference Proceedings series
Portland, Oregon: July 17th - 21st, 2010
Author: Ramon Torres-Isea
Posted: November 24, 2010 at 12:29PM
Dr. Erik Sánchez, developer of this experiment, advices that the lab involves dangers associated with implosion due to windows on coating systems, high current and or high voltage depending on sputtering or thermal deposition, and of course laser safety.
Sánchez, E. (2010, July 17th - 21st). Surface Plasmon Resonance Laboratory. Paper presented at AAPT Summer Meeting - Workshop 38: Advanced Labs, Portland, Oregon. Retrieved February 7, 2025, from
%0 Conference Proceedings %A Sánchez, Erik %D July 17th - 21st 2010 %T Surface Plasmon Resonance Laboratory %B AAPT Summer Meeting - Workshop 38: Advanced Labs %C Portland, Oregon %S American Association of Physics Teachers Conference Proceedings %8 July 17th - 21st %U
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