2009 Topical Conference on Advanced Laboratories Agenda
The following is an overview of the final agenda for the 2009 Topical Conference on Advanced Laboratories.
Please download the Conference Program for maps and directions to conference locations.
Last Updated: July 23, 2009
Wednesday July 22, 2009 |
11:00am-7:00pm |
4:00pm-7:00pm |
Set up posters for Thursday
5:30pm-6:00pm |
Steering Committee meeting
Registration desk, Dennison
6:00pm-6:30pm |
Vendor meeting
Registration desk, Dennison
6:30pm-7:00pm |
Drop by registration to join others for dinner
Thursday July 23, 2009 |
7:30am-9:00am |
7:30am-8:00am |
Set up posters for Thursday
8:00am-8:15am |
Opening Remarks
Randolph Peterson (University of the South), Myron Campbell (University of Michigan), Ramon Torres-Isea (University of Michigan), and Warren Hein (AAPT)
8:15am-10:00am |
Session I: "Advanced Labs: Different Visions for Different Settings"
John Brandenberger, presiding
10:00am-11:00am |
Session II: Syllabi for Advanced labs at Institutions of Participants
Break & - Poster Session
11:00am-12:15pm |
Session III: "Curricular Roles for Advanced Labs - What Are We Doing and What Should We Do?"
Elizabeth George, presiding
Panel discussion:
Robert DeSerio, John Brandenberger, and Gabriel Spalding
12:15pm-1:15pm |
Box lunches at the vendors' tables
Vendors' tables
Sponsored in part by Spectrum Techniques, LLC, Tel-Atomic, Inc., Randall Lab and National Instruments Corporation
1:15pm-2:45pm |
Session IV: "Advanced Lab Ideas from Single-Photon Detection Quantum Mechanics"
Gabriel Spalding, presiding
3:00pm-4:50pm |
Session V: "Short Workshops"
Randall Lab
- 3:00pm - 3:30pm
- 3:40pm - 4:10pm
- 4:20pm - 4:50pm
3:00pm-6:40pm |
Session VI: "Workshops on Interfacing Instrumentation"
Randall Lab
- 3:00pm - 4:50pm
- 5:05pm - 6:40pm
5:05pm-6:50pm |
Session VI: "Short Workshops"
Randall Lab
- 5:05pm - 5:35pm
- 5:45pm - 6:15pm
- 6:25pm - 6:50pm
6:45pm-8:45pm |
Session II poster removal
7:15pm-8:30pm |
Dinner at Pizza House
Pizza House
Sponsored by Pasco Scientific
8:30pm-10:00pm |
Set up posters and equipment for Session IX
Friday July 24, 2009 |
7:00am-8:00am |
Set up posters and equipment for Session IX
8:15am-9:30am |
Session VIII: "Applied Physics: Hot Topics in Advanced Labs"
Richard Peterson, presiding
9:30am-11:15am |
Session IX: "Especially Effective Laboratory Experiments and Open-ended Labs"
Break & - Poster Session
11:15am-12:15pm |
Session X: "What makes a Good Advanced Lab Experiment?"
Paul Dolan, presiding
Panel discussion:
Van Bistrow, Eric Ayers, Joe Kozmikski
12:15pm-1:15pm |
Box lunches at the vendors' tables
Vendors' tables
Sponsored by TeachSpin, Inc. Randall Lab
1:20pm-3:10pm |
Session XI: "Short Workshops"
Randall Lab
- 1:20pm - 1:50pm
- 2:00pm - 2:30pm
- 2:40pm - 3:10pm
1:20pm-5:20pm |
Session XII: "Workshops on Interfacing Instrumentation"
Randall Lab
- 1:20pm - 3:10pm
- 3:30pm - 5:20pm
3:30pm-5:20pm |
Session XIII: "Short Workshops"
Randall Lab
- 3:30pm - 4:00pm
- 4:10pm - 4:40pm
- 4:50pm - 5:20pm
5:30pm-9:30pm |
Session IX posters removal, or may remain until 2:00 p.m. Saturday
6:00pm-7:30pm |
Dinner at Palmer Commons
Palmer Commons
Sponsored in part by Klinger Educational Products Corporation and Agilent Technologies, Inc.
8:00pm-9:00pm |
Session XIV: Advanced Lab Demonstrations
David Sturm, presiding
Saturday July 25, 2009 |
8:00am-8:30am |
Session XV: "Funding the Advanced Lab"
Randy Peterson, presiding
8:40am-10:45am |
Session A, 8:40am - 9:35am:
Teaching the electronics course - Paul W. Zitzewitz, presiding (Room 268)
Teaching the optics course – Chad Hoyt, presiding (Room 170)
Advanced Computer Interfacing – Ramon Torres-Isea, presiding (Room 245)
Computation and Simulation in the Advanced Lab – Keith Stein, presiding (Room 260)
Session B, 9:50am - 10:45am:
Communication of experimental results - graphical, written, and oral – Elizabeth George, presiding (Room 170)
Machine shop and laboratory safety - Gregory Puskar presiding (Room 245)
Teaching Condensed Matter or Materials Physics labs – Gabe Spalding, presiding (Room 260)
Teaching the Modern Physics Lab – David Alan Van Baak, presiding (Room 268)
11:00am-12:00pm |
Session XVII: "Interaction of the Advanced Lab with Undergraduate Research and REUs"
Richard Peterson, presiding
Panel discussion:
Eric Black, Burcinn Bayram, Donald Smith, Stephen Remillard
12:15pm-1:15pm |
Box lunches and concluding remarks
Warren Hein (AAPT), and representatives of ALPha, the APS and participants
1:00pm-2:00pm |
Informal Discussions
12:00pm-2:00pm |
Posters and equipment removal
1:00pm-5:00pm |
Informal Vendor workshops