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The purpose of this web site is to provide Remote Controlled Labs (RCLs) to users on the internet. These are real experiments which can be executed by a client using a standard web browser interacting with a web server controlling the experiment. Web cams allow the user to observe the on-going experiment. The experiments are designed to encourage interactive exploration by students and emphasize the importance of experiments in physics.
The labs available include Millikan's oil-drop experiment, Rutherford scattering, the speed of light, the photoelectric effect, I-V characteristics, radioactivity, and control of robots.
<a href="https://www.compadre.org/quantum/items/detail.cfm?ID=8506">Working Group, Prof. Jodl. RCL - Remotely Controlled Laboratories. Kaiserslautern: Working Group, Prof. Jodl, February 5, 2009.</a>
RCL - Remotely Controlled Laboratories. (2009, February 5). Retrieved February 13, 2025, from Working Group, Prof. Jodl: http://rcl-munich.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/
Working Group, Prof. Jodl. RCL - Remotely Controlled Laboratories. Kaiserslautern: Working Group, Prof. Jodl, February 5, 2009. http://rcl-munich.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/ (accessed 13 February 2025).
%0 Electronic Source %D February 5, 2009 %T RCL - Remotely Controlled Laboratories %I Working Group, Prof. Jodl %V 2025 %N 13 February 2025 %8 February 5, 2009 %9 text/html %U http://rcl-munich.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/
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