This web site offers a multimedia presentation on the properties of the hydrogen atom and the ways in which these properties are commonly visualized. Pictures and animations of states of the atom are presented with descriptions of both the physics and the visualization. Properties of the atom illustrated by the pictures include its size, its angular momentum, currents, and magnetic moment. Animations of superpositions of atomic states illustrate the properties of radiative transitions, including the strength of the radiation and its polarization.
Please note that this resource requires
at most version 1.3.1 of Java3D, or Java.
<a href="">Herrmann, Friedrich. HydrogenLab - Pictures of the Hydrogen Atom. January 2, 2005.</a>
%0 Electronic Source %A Herrmann, Friedrich %D January 2, 2005 %T HydrogenLab - Pictures of the Hydrogen Atom %V 2024 %N 17 September 2024 %8 January 2, 2005 %9 application/flash %U
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