This is a set of interactive Java applets illustrating time dependence and superposition in one-dimensional quantum states. Simulations are used to illustrate the time dependence (real and imaginary parts) of eigenstates states, and superposition of eigenstates. There is an application of these ideas to a two-level model of an ammonia molecule. There is also an illustration of a harmonic oscillator with multiple states occupied, and coherent states. These applets are part of an extensive collection of animations and simulations illustrating a large range of quantum topics, and an ongoing effort for developing a fully interactive quantum-physics class. Both French and English versions are available.
Joffre, M. (n.d.). Quantum Physics Online: Quantum superposition in one dimension. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from
Joffre, Manuel. Quantum Physics Online: Quantum superposition in one dimension. (accessed 12 February 2025).
Author = "Manuel Joffre",
Title = {Quantum Physics Online: Quantum superposition in one dimension},
Volume = {2025},
Number = {12 February 2025},
Year = {}
%0 Electronic Source %A Joffre, Manuel %T Quantum Physics Online: Quantum superposition in one dimension %V 2025 %N 12 February 2025 %9 application/java %U
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