Materials Similar to Modeling Instruction Program: Curriculum Resources
- 68%: Modeling Instruction Program: Curriculum Materials-Position vs. Time Worksheet
- 68%: Modeling Instruction Program: Curriculum-Velocity vs. Time Worksheet
- 64%: Modeling Instruction Program: Inertia and Interactions
- 58%: Modeling Instruction Program: Inertia Worksheet 1-Sketching Forces
- 58%: Modeling Instruction Program: Inertia Worksheet 3-Forces and Interactions
- 56%: Modeling Instruction Program
- 56%: ASU Modeling Instruction Program: Research and Evaluation Instruments
- 56%: Modeling Instruction Program: Unit Assessment-Displacement and Velocity
- 44%: Video Modeling: Combining Dynamic Model Simulations with Traditional Video Analysis
- 43%: A Modeling Method for high school physics instruction
- 41%: Modeling instruction in high school physics
- 39%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part I
- 39%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part II
- 36%: A Resource Book for the Beginning Physics Teacher
- 36%: New Teacher Resource Book: Getting Started
- 36%: Modeling