Chapter 18: Sound
We have just considered general wave behavior in one-dimension. However, most waves propagate in two and three dimensions. The added complexity comes with an added richness of phenomena that we can describe. This includes sound waves and the phenomena of interference, beats, and the Doppler effect.
Table of Contents
- Illustration 18.1: Representations of Two-Dimensional Waves.
- Illustration 18.2: Molecular View of a Sound Wave.
- Illustration 18.3: Interference in Time and Beats.
- Illustration 18.4: The Doppler Effect.
- Illustration 18.5: The Location of a Supersonic Airplane.
- Exploration 18.1: Creating Sounds by Adding Harmonics.
- Exploration 18.2: Creating Sounds by Adding Harmonics.
- Exploration 18.3: A Microphone between Two Loudspeakers.
- Exploration 18.4: Doppler Effect and the Velocity of the Source.
- Exploration 18.5: An Ambulance Drives by with Its Siren On.
- Problem 18.1: A slow-motion representation of a sound wave propagating in Lucite.
- Problem 18.2: The animation represents a sound wave propagating in a very long pipe.
- Problem 18.3: Why are there no dead spots?
- Problem 18.4: A standing wave on a string.
- Problem 18.5: A standing wave on a stringed musical instrument.
- Problem 18.6: What is the difference in frequency between the two waves?
- Problem 18.7: A man and a woman are in front of the White House as an ambulance drives by with its siren on.
- Problem 18.8: In which of the animation(s) does the source travel slower than sound?
- Problem 18.9: Which of the following animations represents what you would hear?
- Problem 18.10: Determine the change in frequency you will hear as the police car goes by.
- Problem 18.11: Using a speaker, a standing sound wave has been set up inside a tube.
- Problem 18.12: A standing wave in an open pipe.
- Problem 18.13: A standing wave in an open pipe.
- Problem 18.14: A standing wave in a half-open pipe.
- Problem 18.15: A standing wave in a half-open pipe.
- Problem 18.16: A standing wave in a half-open pipe.