Section 7.8: Exploring Complex Functions

re =
im =

Please wait for the animation to completely load.

This Exploration allows you to explore complex functions of position and time. You must enter the real and imaginary parts separately. Try the following functions and describe the result in the animation.   Restart.

  1. re = cos(2*pi*x/10-5*t) | im = sin(2*pi*x/10-5*t)
  2. re = cos(2*pi*x/10) | im = 0
  3. re = 0 | im = cos(2*pi*x/10)
  4. re = sin(pi*x/10)*cos(-2*pi*t) | im = sin(pi*x/10)*sin(-2*pi*t)
  5. re = cos(3*x-3*t)+cos(4*x-4*t) | im = sin(3*x-3*t)+sin(4*x-4*t)

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Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
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