Why Should You Integrate Computation
"Contemporary research in physics and related sciences almost always involves the use of computers. [...] Computational physics has become a third way of doing physics and complements traditional modes of theoretical and experimental physics. [...] almost all undergraduate students who take physics courses will use computational tools in their future careers even if they do not become practicing physicists."
AAPT Statement on Computational Physics
"The American Association of Physics Teachers urges that every physics and astronomy department provide its majors and potential majors with appropriate instruction in computational physics."
AAPT Recommendations for Computational Physics in Undergraduate Physics Curriculum (UTCF Report)
"Both graduates and their employers report that preparation for positions available to those with physics training could be significantly improved. Studies of physics graduates conclude that their technical skills should be expanded to address a wider and deeper knowledge of computational analysis tools..." J-TUPP Report: "Preparing Physics Students for the 21st Century Careers" |
"surveys indicate that skills valued in the workplace include the ability to effectively collaborate, solve technical problems, program high-level simulations, and engage in computational thinking." J-TUPP Report: "Preparing Physics Students for the 21st Century Careers" |
The Computational Skills section of the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) guide is also an excellent source for why you should integrate computation into the physics curriculum. You can find a brief description of this guide in An Overview of the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Guide.