The Elastic Wave on a String JS Model shows the motion of a mechanical system consisted of an oscillator attached at the edge of a semi-infinite elastic string. The oscillator creates a disturbance on the string that moves along the string as an elastic wave. Energy is transferred from the oscillator to the string resulting in a dissipation effect on the motion of the oscillator; the motion of the oscillator is a damped oscillation.
A supplemental document presents the model's theory using a Lagrange function to model a chain of coupled oscillators and the principle of least action.
Elastic Wave on a String Theory
Theoretical description of a mechanical system consisted of an oscillator attached at the edge of a semi-infinite elastic string. download 311kb .pdf
Last Modified: November 3, 2020
Papamichalis, K. (2020). Elastic Wave on a String JS Model. Retrieved February 7, 2025, from
Papamichalis, Kostas. Elastic Wave on a String JS Model. 2020. (accessed 7 February 2025).
%0 Electronic Source %A Papamichalis, Kostas %D 2020 %T Elastic Wave on a String JS Model %V 2025 %N 7 February 2025 %9 text/html %U
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