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Computer Program Detail Page

Item Picture
Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model
written by Fernando Silva Fernandes
Monkey Business illustrates the reproduction of the famous Shakespeare phrase "To be or not to be, that is the question!" by a simple genetic algorithm.  It was inspired by the American physical chemist Henry Bent regarding the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: "At room temperature, for example, conversion of a single calorie of thermal energy completely into potential energy is a less likely event than the production of Shakespeare's complete works fifteen quadrillion times in succession without error by a tribe of wild monkeys punching randomly on a set of typewriters."   The model uses successive strings (phrases) from a random population without crossover but mutating, with a fixed probability to match the given phrase. Strings are kept or discarded using a fitness function as described in the documentation.

Monkey Business was developed using the Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EjsS) version 5 modeling tool.  It is distributed as a ready-to-run (compiled) Java archive.

Please note that this resource requires at least version 1,6 of Java (JRE).
1 source code document is available
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Modern Physics
- Biophysics
Thermo & Stat Mech
- Probability
= Random Walks
- Statistical Physics
- Upper Undergraduate
- Graduate/Professional
- Informal Education
- Instructional Material
= Interactive Simulation
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Learners
- Educators
- application/java
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Access Rights:
Free access
Program released under GNU-GPL. Narrative is copyrighted.
This material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license.
Rights Holder:
Fernando M.S. Silva Fernandes
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created September 9, 2016 by Wolfgang Christian
Record Updated:
September 9, 2016 by Wolfgang Christian
Last Update
when Cataloged:
August 9, 2016
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Record Link
AIP Format
F. Fernandes, Computer Program MONKEY BUSINESS: A GENETIC ALGORITHM MODEL, Version 1.0 (2016), WWW Document, (https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508).
F. Fernandes, Computer Program MONKEY BUSINESS: A GENETIC ALGORITHM MODEL, Version 1.0 (2016), <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508>.
APA Format
Fernandes, F. (2016). Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model (Version 1.0) [Computer software]. Retrieved February 13, 2025, from https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508
Chicago Format
Fernandes, Fernando Silva. "Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model." Version 1.0. https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508 (accessed 13 February 2025).
MLA Format
Fernandes, Fernando Silva. Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model. Vers. 1.0. Computer software. 2016. Java (JRE) 1,6. 13 Feb. 2025 <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508>.
BibTeX Export Format
@misc{ Author = "Fernando Silva Fernandes", Title = {Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model}, Month = {August}, Year = {2016} }
Refer Export Format

%A Fernando Silva Fernandes %T Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model %D August 9, 2016 %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508 %O 1.0 %O application/java

EndNote Export Format

%0 Computer Program %A Fernandes, Fernando Silva %D August 9, 2016 %T Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model %7 1.0 %8 August 9, 2016 %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=14071&DocID=4508

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The MLA Style presented is based on information from the MLA FAQ.

Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model:

Is Based On Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool

The Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool is needed to explore the computational model used in the Monkey Business: A Genetic Algorithm Model.

relation by Wolfgang Christian

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