General Relativity Orbits JS DocumentsMain DocumentGeneral Relativity Orbits JS
written by
Slavomir Tuleja, Edwin F. Taylor, Wolfgang Christian, and Robert Hanson The General Relativity Orbits JavaScript simulation in intended to be used to accompany the text written by Edwin F. Taylor, John A. Wheeler, and Edmund Bertschinger, Exploring Black Holes. The goal of this book is to offer a concise, directed examination of general relativity and black holes. Its goal was to provide tools that motivate students to become active participants in carrying out their own investigations about curved spacetime near Earth and black holes. To that end, the book used calculus and algebra, rather than tensors, to make general relativity accessible to second- and third-year students. The goal of this software is to provide an interactive visualization of the concepts presented in this book.
Published January 24, 2020