Physlet Waves and Oscillations Illustrations Package DocumentsThis material has 3 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information. Main DocumentPhyslet Waves Illustration Package
written by
Andreu Glasmann, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni Physlets Waves and Oscillations Illustrations Package
Published June 10, 2014
This file has previous versions. Supplemental DocumentsWave Illustration ePubA multimodel ePub containing the Physlet Physics Waves and Oscillations Illustration package.
Last Modified June 12, 2014
This file has previous versions. Source Code DocumentsWave and Oscillations Source CodeThis source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the JavaScript Waves and Oscillations Package. Unzip this archive in your Ejs workspace to compile and run this model using EjsS 5. Although EjsS is a Java program, EjsS 5 creates a stand alone JavaScript program from this source code.
Last Modified June 10, 2014