APS Excellence in Physics Education Award
November 2019

Science SPORE Prize
November 2011

The Open Source Physics Project is supported by NSF DUE-0442581.
Statistical Interpretation of Entropy Package Documents
This material has 5 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.
Main Document
written by
Todd Timberlake
The Statistical Interpretation of Entropy Launcher package is a self-contained file for teaching the basic concept of the statistical interpretation of entropy. The file contains ready-to-run Easy Java Simulations (EJS) programs and curricular materials. The curricular materials describe a simple hands-on coin flip experiment that can help student become familiar with the basic statistical ideas involved in the approach to equilibrium and the second law of thermodynamics. The materials also describe how the EJS programs can be used to extend this simple experiment and explore these concepts at a deeper level. The EJS programs include simulations of the coin flip experiment, the expansion of an ideal gas in a box, the mixing of hot and cold ideal gases, and the action of Maxwell's Demon.
The materials in this resource are described in an article titled "The Statistical Interpretation of Entropy: An Activity" to be published in The Physics Teacher.
Last Modified June 30, 2010
Supplemental Documents (3)
This collection of worksheets is a zip file containing PDF versions of both worksheets in the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy Package.
Published June 30, 2010
Last Modified June 30, 2010
This collection of worksheets is a zip file containing the LaTeX source for both worksheets in the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy Package.
Published June 30, 2010
Last Modified June 30, 2010
This collection of worksheets is a zip file containing HTML versions of both worksheets in the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy Package.
Published June 30, 2010
Last Modified June 30, 2010
Source Code Documents
This zip archive contains the source code for all Easy Java Simulations models used in the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy package. It also contains the xml and html files used to construct the Launcher package.
Released under a EJS models: GPL v2.0 Launcher Materials: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Published July 7, 2010
Last Modified July 7, 2010