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PTS- Is Presentation TimeStamp metadata honored? post and replies

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PTS or nominal FPS
Fernando Ferro
14 Posts

Is the PTS each individual frame considered when measuring time, or just the same nominal FPS for the entire sequence?
what happens when VFR variable framerate is present?

Replies to PTS or nominal FPS

Re: PTS or nominal FPS -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
450 Posts

Yes, the timestamps are read and used. For this reason, you will get a warning if the frame durations are not all the same when the video is loaded. Pay attention to these warnings--if you analyze a video with unequal frame durations then the calculations of velocity or acceleration will be inaccurate. The algorithms used to determine v and a REQUIRE that the time steps be equal.

> Is the PTS each individual frame considered when measuring
> time, or just the same nominal FPS for the entire
> sequence?
> what happens when VFR variable framerate
> is present?
> Thanks

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