Bug: Model Builder Window doesn't show up after upgrade from 6.0 to 6.10 in linux
Julia Müller
2 Posts
I upgraded my tracker on linux recently from 6.00 to 6.10 and noticed that the Model Builder window doesn't open anymore. After installing different tracker versions I recognized that this issue occurs already when going from 6.00 to 6.02. (I didn't have a copy of 6.01 to try).
Do you need any more information to find and fix the bug?
Re: Bug: Model Builder Window doesn't show up after upgrade from 6.0 to 6.10 in linux -
Douglas Brown
449 Posts
Hi Julia, that is good information but I am going abroad for nearly 2 months and won't be able to troubleshoot and fix it until I get back. The Model Builder window does open on Windows and Mac.
Version 6.0.0 did have some bugs. Are you sure the problem occurs with new Models, not just ones you are opening from a TRK file? Doug
Re: Bug: Model Builder Window doesn't show up after upgrade from 6.0 to 6.10 in linux -
Douglas Brown
449 Posts
I just edited the Tracker home page so it now has links to all versions 6.0.x. Scroll down to "Recent Tracker Installers and Jars" on the left side of the page. Doug
> I will analyse it further. Btw: Do you have a link > to a server where I can download all former tracker > versions?