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Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences
Pieter Boersma
3 Posts

I am trying to track large video files but I was getting an error when trying to import them into Tracker. After looking around, I think I need to change my video engine from Xuggle to Quicktime; but after installing Quicktime it doesn't show up in edit>preferences>video. What should I do?

Replies to Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

Quicktime is no longer supported in Tracker since version 5.0. Earlier versions do and you can download version 4.11.0 on the Tracker web site. I have not tested this for a long time, though... Doug

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Pieter Boersma
3 Posts

Thanks for your quick reply, I downloaded the version you mentioned and now I'm getting a new error message (see attached).  Would you know how to address this?

Attached File: Capture.PNG

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

Sorry, I really don't know what the issue might be. This is why I no longer support Quicktime ;-)

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Pieter Boersma
3 Posts

Do you know if there is another way that I can track long videos using Tracker?

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

Your best bet is to cut the video into shorter clips, analyze separately and combine the results. Or you can convert the video to smaller pixel dimensions to reduce the MB.  Doug

> Do you know if there is another way that I can track
> long videos using Tracker?

Re: Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences -
Dave Walkerlw
1 Posts

The error usually equates to an 'invalid movie error" because QuickTime codec doesn't support the files. easy way you can play the file to another media player or download the codec of video files. If the video file is corrupt I  suggest you can use Stellar repair for video software demo version and see the preview of repaired file.

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