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vx and vy not being calculated post and replies

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vx and vy not being calculated
Edson Valle
1 Posts

I'm using tracker to track a point particle in a video. The software tracks well the "y" and "x" positions, however does not display the velocities and accelerations (vx, vy, ax and ay).
Other files that I created in the past worked ok, however in this new video they are not displayed.
If I start any other video it also does not display properly.
I'm using tracker 5.0.6 in a linux 32 bits (ubunto 14.04)
Attached is a screenshot of my table data.

Attached File: Seleo_012.png

Replies to vx and vy not being calculated

Re: vx and vy not being calculated -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

It looks like you have skipped steps when marking. Velocities and accelerations cannot be determined when steps are skipped. See "1. Marking and editing the steps" in Tracker Help/Point Mass.  Doug

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