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cant open .trk files in Tracker
Hadas Dahan
1 Posts


I`ve analyzed 5 videos that are around 1/2 min
some of them I divaded to 2 .trk files.
we both use tracker 5.0.4 in windows 10
in both our laptop its stops loading ANY of the .trk files in 79%
we both tried deleting and reinstaliing the tracker but it didnt help
we tried restarting the computer
Can you please help??
It took us 3 days to analyzed the video

Post edited May 7, 2018 at 9:32 AM EST.

Replies to cant open .trk files in Tracker

Re: cant open .trk files in Tracker -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

Can you send me one of the TRK files that fails to load? Please send it to my direct email: dobrown@cabrillo.edu.  I'm sure we can get this fixed.  Thanks. Doug

> Re: cant open .trk files in Tracker
> Hello
> I`ve analyzed 5 videos that are around 1/2 mi
> some of them I divaded to 2 .trk files.
> we both use
> tracker 5.0.4 in windows 10
> in both our laptop its
> stops loading ANY of the .trk files in 79%
> we both
> tried deleting and reinstaliing the tracker but it
> didnt help
> we tried restarting the computer
> Can you
> please help??
> It took us 3 days to analyzed the vide
> Post edited May 7, 2018 at 9:32 AM EST.

Re: cant open .trk files in Tracker -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

Are you still having this problem? I can probably fix it but I need more information. Can you send me one of the TRK files?  Doug

> I`ve analyzed 5 videos that are around 1/2 mi
> some of them I divaded to 2 .trk files.
> we both use
> tracker 5.0.4 in windows 10
> in both our laptop its
> stops loading ANY of the .trk files in 79%
> we both
> tried deleting and reinstaliing the tracker but it
> didnt help
> we tried restarting the computer
> Can you
> please help??
> It took us 3 days to analyzed the vide
> Post edited May 7, 2018 at 9:32 AM EST.

Re: cant open .trk files in Tracker -
Mehran Abolghasemi
2 Posts

Hello Dug,

I have the same issue. I appreciate if you can fix it. I will send the file to you via email. My email address is mehran_1516@yahoo.com. Hope you can help us out.



Re: cant open .trk files in Tracker -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
452 Posts

I have discovered one possibility and that is that loading RGB regions can take a VERY long time (in one case 4 hours!!) if the video has many frames. So if you are using an RGB region you might try waiting and doing something else while Tracker tries to load it.

This is no as it should be, of course, and I will try to speed up the process. Look for better performance in the next release...


> I`ve analyzed 5 videos that are around 1/2 mi
> some of them I divaded to 2 .trk files.
> we both use
> tracker 5.0.4 in windows 10
> in both our laptop its
> stops loading ANY of the .trk files in 79%

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