Seems to be working well. I have about 20 videos. Each video contains at least 5 firings of a nerf dart. I am analysing projectile motion.
When i have created a point mass for each firing, and made the tracks, i save the tab as a trk file.
I just reload some files because i wanted to change the number of significant figures i copied into excel (more on that in a moment)
When the file loads the video load OK but no point masses or tracks load. If i go to the track menu only new is available. All the data that took me about 16 hours to process seems to be gone!
I have had a look at the trk files with a text editor. There is stuff there. Not sure what is happoening
1 other question
when i copied data from tracker to open office if i use full precision it puts a ' before each entry, making the spreadshett read it as text. If i use "as formatted"it seems to work
Thanks for your bug report. The failure to load your point mass data is indeed a bug and it will be fixed shortly but for now you will have to open your TRK files using version 4.96. To do this, open the preferences dialog (Edit|Preferences), go to the Runtime tab, and select version 4.96 from the dropdown list.
If you don't see version 4.96 in the list then do this:
1. Download the version 4.96 jar file with this link : 2. Add the jar to the Tracker home folder (on Windows: Program Files (x86)\Tracker, on OSX: /Applications/, on Linux: /opt/tracker). 3. Relaunch Tracker and version 4.96 should now be available.
Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. Doug
> Just installed tracker, on windows 10 > > Seems to be working well. I have about 20 videos. Each video > contains at least 5 firings of a nerf dart. I am > analysing projectile motion. > > When i have created > a point mass for each firing, and made the tracks, > i save the tab as a trk file. > > I just reload some > files because i wanted to change the number of significant > figures i copied into excel (more on that in a moment > > When the file loads the video load OK but no point > masses or tracks load. If i go to the track menu > only new is available. All the data that took me > about 16 hours to process seems to be gone! > > I have had a look at the trk files with a text editor. There > is stuff there. Not sure what is happening
I can't reproduce this behavior on my Windows 10 machine--copying with full precision works fine. Can you give me more information--your OS, etc.
When I paste into OpenOffice Calc I always get a "Text Import" dialog that lets me choose the separator (delimiter) and shows me a sample of the result of the import. Do you see the same thing? Doug
> when i copied data from tracker to open office if i use full precision it puts a ' before > each entry, making the spreadshett read it as text. If i use "as formatted"it seems to work
This bug has been fixed and TRK files, including all point mass tracks, now load correctly. If you have already installed version 4.97 you should download the latest installer (still version 4.97) and reinstall. Another option is to download the version 4.97 jar file from the Recent Tracker Versions section of the Tracker home page, and replace the existing jar file in your Tracker home directory (see Help|Tracker README for OS-specific information on the Tracker home directory). Also, if you make a copy of the downloaded jar file (tracker-4.97.jar), rename it tracker.jar, and replace the existing tracker.jar file in the Tracker home directory, then the latest version will run as the "default" Tracker.
To confirm that you are running the latest version 4.97, choose Help|About Tracker and check that it is dated 11 May 2017.
> When i have created a point mass for each firing, and made the tracks, > i save the tab as a trk file. When the trk file reloads the video load OK but no point > masses or tracks load.