after i imported a .mov video the playback speed is slower than it used to be. When i play the video in tracker it seems like slow motion. Before the .mov video i only used .avi videos with tracker. When i import an .avi video now it also seems like slow motion as well when i play it in the tracker software. How can I reset the playback speed to normal, so that the video plays in the tracker software like the original file?
My apologies if this is a stupid question, but i have been working on this for two hours now without finding a solution.
PS: Thank you very much for an awesome program like tracker. It really is an enrichment to physics classes.
Re: Tracker changes playback speed after .mov import -
Douglas Brown
450 Posts
Mike--you are right that playback is slow. It's nearly always slower than full speed with the default settings ("play all steps") because Tracker doesn't display a video directly to the screen--instead, it converts every video frame to a Java image which gives it access to the RGB data at every pixel. It then applies video filters to the image and draws the result on screen. This usually takes longer than the frame time, so it's slow.
If you uncheck the Video|Play All Steps box then the speed will be normal, but it will skip frames and may look jerky.
Bottom line: Tracker is not a video player (and in any case never plays audio). It is a Video Analysis and Modeling Tool ;-)