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possible bug when trk has 3 complex models?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

dear prof,

it seems i have discover a possible bug for your information.

has 3 models
model A: hit n rebounce only
Fx1 = -200, Fy1 = -20, Fx2 = -40, Fy2 = -520
fx = if(t<0.167,0,if(t<0.171,Fx1,if(t<0.458,0,if(t<0.462,Fx2,0))))
fy = if(t<0.167,0,if(t<0.171,Fy1,if(t<0.458,0,if(t<0.462,Fy2,0))))
model B: got hit n rebounce
Fbx1 = -200, Fby1 = -10
fx = if(t<0.583,0,if(t<0.588,Fbx1,0))
fy = if(t<0.583,0,if(t<0.588,Fby1,0))
model C: friction force
frictionx = 0.96, frictiony= -0.85
fx = if(vx>0,-frictionx,0)
fy = if(vy<0,-frictiony,0)

that fails to open up now after packaging as a trz.

for your kind action to fix the "bug" if any, in newer tracker version!

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Replies to possible bug when trk has 3 complex models?

Re: possible bug when trk has 3 complex models? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

dear prof,

i was unable to reproduce the error after i package in stages of the
modelA only https://www.dropbox.com/s/4vqj06pi7aywo8u/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelAonly.trz ,

AB https://www.dropbox.com/s/724gj2965zvt6q4/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelABonly.trz,

ABC https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpprzqzn8d6x6o4/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelABConly.trz,

ABCtitle https://www.dropbox.com/s/dhobrx38mrhoaur/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelABCname.trz ,

ABCtitledescription https://www.dropbox.com/s/wz85uxzahofg2k1/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelABCnamedescription.trz ,

ABCtitledescriptioncomplete https://www.dropbox.com/s/3u5rtxxcv5lib1k/angelineaw_301_1smallmodelABCnamedescriptioncomplete.trz.

there was only one time where it fail to load up at the same instance where tracker prompts me to load after packaging and it fail at stage "ABCtitle".

but i contl+alt+del the program,

restart Tracker

and it loads correctly now.

i am not sure what is the bug now.

just for info then.


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