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Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? post and replies

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Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Dear Prof Doug,

thank you again for the wonderful tool and video tutorial  http://youtu.be/tU9Ui5U2VLk.

i tried to follow the removal of the base URL but it seems to only work when it is a brand new fresh XML.

is there a way i can remove the base URL after i save from the directory listing which save me a lot of time trying to add them manually from a brand new fresh XML?

i tried removing and saving but the base URL keeps putting itself back.

my XML can be downloaded here

my tracker DL is setup here combined with EJSS and EJS source codes.

OSP@SG blog
OSP@SG Digital Library

Replies to Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save?

Re: Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Lookang--try deleting line 4 in your xml file:

"<property name="base_path" type="string">C:/Users/lookang/Dropbox/Public/lookangEJSworkspace/lookangejss</property>"

Does this work?  Doug

Re: Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

That line to delete should be


The last email messed up the brackets...  Doug

Re: Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

I give up. The email system won't let me send line 4 of your xml code, but I'm sure you can figure it out!  Just delete line 4.  Doug

Re: Re: Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

dear prof doug,

it works on my server URL now after using an editor to remove line 4 as suggested.
thank you.

by the way, i am still adding more trz files into my local drive which i will updated these files eventually on the server.

it there a way to automatically read the folder like the digital libraries of ejss and ejs.

the reason for asking this is, i am under the impression tracker requires the xml to load the library of files which seems to me to be a disadvantage as i aim to regularly add to my digital libraries for all ejss, ejs and trz into the same folder on my local drive and server http://iwant2study.org/lookangejss/

any tips on maintaining a trz Digital library as easy as ejss and ejs libraries?

Post edited July 13, 2014 at 8:28 PM EST.

Post edited July 13, 2014 at 8:28 PM EST.

OSP@SG blog
OSP@SG Digital Library

Re: Re: Re: Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

i think i finally figure out the renamed as indexTRZdl.php file as found on https://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/library/_share/sharing.html

i set
# specify which file types to include
$includeHTML = true;
$includeTRZ = true;
$includeTRK = true;
$includePDF = true;
$includeZIP = false; // previously true and does not read the ejss.zip files ! wonderful.
$includeVideos = true;
$includeSubdirectories = true;

i am pleased with this php way.

Post edited July 15, 2014 at 11:51 AM EST.

OSP@SG blog
OSP@SG Digital Library

PHP script -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

I'm glad you found the php option for posting a collection on your server. I think it will do exactly what you want, namely update the collection in the library browser automatically when you add experiments to your collection folder.

However, for your collection to be fully documented, I recommend you add an HTML information file that describes the collection as a whole. Since your collection has the name indexTRZdl.php, the name of your HTML info file should be indexTRZdl_info.html. Just put it in the same directory on the server as the php script.

You might want to do the same for some of your subfolders on the server.

For more on HTML information files, see section 7 in http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/help/library_browser.html.


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