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Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Eric Dennison
1 Posts

This is my first installation of Tracker on OSX (very impressed with program running on Ubuntu 14.04). When I execute the installed app I see:

Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

and that's all...

I have Java 1.7 installed (Sun 1.7.0_51) on OSX 10.7.5.

Do you think I am doing something terribly wrong?


Replies to Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Re: Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Hi Eric,

I think I got the same error when I installed it on OSX after the last OS update. But if I recall the error went away after I restarted the machine. Classic!  Have you tried this?


Re: Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Hi Eric,

I mentioned before that I had the same problem when I upgraded OSX to Mavericks, and another Mac user also reported this problem.  In both cases, it was solved by uninstalling and reinstalling Tracker. The uninstaller "uninstall_Tracker.app" is located in /usr/local/tracker.

The /usr directory is hidden by default, so you may have to do this to see it in the finder:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Open the Utilities folder
  3. Open a terminal window
  4. Type the following in the terminal and hit return:
    defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
  5. Type the following in the terminal and hit return:
    killall Finder

You should find you will now be able to see any hidden files or folders. Once you are done, repeat the steps above but replace TRUE with FALSE in step 4. (If TRUE/FALSE don't work, try YES/NO).

I hope this helps!!  Doug

Re: Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError -
erick cabanban
1 Posts

hello everyone, I'm also having this same problem. I just installed the Tracker and I have the current MAC update. Does anyone know how to solve this?

Re: Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Here's a workaround that will enable you to launch Tracker successfully on OSX if you're getting the java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError:

1. Control-click on the Applications/Tracker icon and choose Show Package Contents to see the Contents folder.

2. Create a shortcut (alias) to the file tracker_starter.jar in the Contents/Resources/Java folder. 

3. Double-click the alias to launch Tracker.

I hope this helps :-)  Doug

Re: Re: Uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError -
Paul Mall
1 Posts

Thanks Douglas I also had the error it worked at last.

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