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Tracker 4.84 now available
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Hello Tracker users,

Tracker 4.84 installers for Windows, Mac and Linux are now available from both the Tracker home page (http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/) and ComPADRE (http://www.opensourcephysics.org/items/detail.cfm?ID=7365).

This upgrade enables users to add editable text columns to data tables, independently stretches and assigns colors to velocity and acceleration vectors, fixes a recently introduced bug that prevented Tracker from launching on some school networks, and more.

I know a lot of you have developed and classroom-tested some really fun and instructive Tracker experiments. Please consider adding them to the comPADRE OSP collection--we all win when we share :-)  I'll be adding a page to the Tracker web site soon that will help you prepare your videos and supporting documents for comPADRE, and will post a message on this discussion forum when the new page is ready.

Thanks to all of you for your continued innovation and feedback!  Doug

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