Hi Graham,
There is a way your students can export the combined data from several tracks right now :-)
1. Track all the points of interest--mass A, B, C, etc.
2. Set the Plot View to plot x versus t (the default) for mass A.
3. Right-click the plot and choose Compare With|mass B. This plots the mass B data along with mass A.
4. Repeat to compare with mass C, D, etc. Now all masses are plotted together.
5. Double-click the plot (or right-click and choose Analyze...) to analyze the data in Data Tool. The Data Tool tab will be named "mass_A" but you will see ALL the plotted data in the data table. (The mass A data is labelled "x", the other masses are labelled with numerical subscripts.)
6. Change the Tracker plot to y versus t and double-click it again to transfer the data to data Tool. The Data Tooltab will now have both x and y data for all tracks.
7. Rearrange the columns in the Data Tool table by dragging their headers so they are in your desired order t, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2,...
8. In Data Tool, you can either choose the File|Export Data.. menu item to write the (tab-delimited) data to a text file or the Edit|Copy|Data item to copy it to the clipboard for pasting.
The exported data is in your "t-vertical" format, which is fairly standard. I hesitate to make your other format options available as a standard feature because they might simply confuse some students!
I hope this helps :-D Doug