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Tracker not working on Mac OS 11.6

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Tracker v.6.0.6 and v5.1.5
Stephan Pfeiler
6 Posts

I just tried to prepare some footage for a lesson i'm giving and naturally I updated Tracker to v6.0.6 when it asked to do that.

I haven't used Tracker in a while so I don't know if the update is the problem or if it was a Mac OS Update in the past.

So the situation is, that Tracker doesn't open any files I know to have worked about a year ago. I could supply videos and trk-files that worked a year ago, but do not do so now.

There is no specific error that could help me fix the issue.

Are there any things I could do to find the issue and fix it? I'd really love to keep using tracker in class.

Current Replies - View all
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Douglas Brown - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Stephan Pfeiler - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Wolfgang - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Wolfgang - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Stephan Pfeiler - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Stephan Pfeiler - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Stephan Pfeiler - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Alexander Osorio Caicedo - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Scott Schroeder - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Stephan Pfeiler - )
Re: Tracker v.6.0.6 and v...   (Wolfgang - )
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