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Anybody Install This on a Rasberry Pi???

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Tried with Debian
Tom Sturik
1 Posts

I downloaded the 32 bit Linux version to my 3 B+ pi.  I then ran the two command lines listed in the installer help section:

sudo chmod 755 ~/Downloads/Tracker-5.x.x-linux-yybit-installer.run (change x.x and yy to the numbers for your installer) and enter your password to make the installer executable. Note: this and the next step assume the installer was downloaded to ~/Downloads/. If your download is different, change the command targets appropriately.
Type sudo ~/Downloads/Tracker-5.x.x-linux-yybit-installer.run to run the installer

I got a syntax error running the second command: "Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting ")")

I also tried using a version of ubuntu but there is no graphical interface at the start.  I am new to linux so I don't have a clue as how to download the Tracker file to the raspberry pi.

Has anyone intalled this before with any success?  TIA for any feedback.

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