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Problem Uploading video

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Problem uploading multiple videos with the new version 6.0.1
Marco Malavolta
4 Posts

In the old version I was able to open multiple video simultaneously. I opened even 15 videos at time and worked very fast from one to another. In the new version I have to open one video at a time, waiting that the video is opened in Tracker and than opening another and so on. This is time consuming compared to the old version. maybe it can be fixed with a new update?

MP4 vs MOV files and total file size
Jack Orford
1 Posts


In my experience whilst using Tracker (Version 5.1.5) I have found that I am able to drag and drop MOV files in, but the exact same video in MP4 format will not work and comes up with the error message I attached as a screenshot.
For people who are facing the same problem I use the free app 'Any video converter lite' to convert my files (this is on a Mac).

My questions are:

1) Do MP4 files just not work in tracker? Or am I missing something that will allow me to skip the conversion step. I ask this because the videos I shoot are at 100 frames per second. Converting them reduces them to 30 frames per second, which is an issue.

2) Is there a max file size for tracker?
I ask this because I have a video split into 4 seperate MOV files (~1GB each) that all upload okay when done individually. However, I would obviously prefer to analyse this video as one large video, however when I combine the files (file size ~4GB), and then try to upload it into tracker I then get the same error message as the one I have attached. The only difference I can see between the individual videos and the combined video is the larger file size.


Attached File: ScreenShot20200831at2.29.54pm.png

Current Replies - View all
Re: MP4 vs MOV files and ...   (Wolfgang - )
Having Problems Uploading a video to tracker
Aryan Mehta
1 Posts

I shot a video though my phone and when it try to upload it to tracker it says "Video could not be opened". The video is an MOV file. I am using a Mac. Plz Help I need it for my Physics IA.

Attached File: Screenshot20200830at1.14.50PM.png

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Re: Having Problems Uploa...   (Douglas Brown - )
video not uploading
Kate Dyball
1 Posts

I have tried to upload a video from my i phone and it continually comes up with an error- I have tried other videos and the same happens. I have also opened the video on quick time and there doesn't seem to be a problem there so im not sure what to do?- any suggestions?

Attached File: Screenshot20200801at16.04.32.png

Current Replies - View all
Re: video not uploading   (Wolfgang - )
Re: video not uploading   (Nicolas Hirees - )
Problem uploading video
Felipe Jimenez
2 Posts

I recorded a video on my iPhone and then tried to upload to tracker but every time it just says that tracker could not upload the video. I have tried multiple times to redo the video, delete tracker and re download the program and nothing works. I will post below the image that keeps popping up every time I try to upload the video. Please help

Attached File: ScreenShot20200415at2.02.07AM.png

Current Replies - View all
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Wolfgang - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Felipe Jimenez - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Alexander Osorio Caicedo - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Jessica Landeira - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Mark Sprague - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Douglas Brown - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Mark Sprague - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Laura McCullough - )
Re: Problem uploading vid...   (Paulina Milestra - )
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