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GoPro video 60 fps and 120 fps

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GoPro video 60 fps and 120 fps
Qiang Gui
2 Posts

I am using Tracker 5.0.5 to analyze the .mp4 files captures by GoPro silver 4. The videos with 30 fps works fine with Tracker. However, when it came to 60 fps, the output showed the same value for every two consecutive points. Similarly for 120 fps, the output showed the same value for every four consecutive points (please see attached plot and table). Any suggestion or advice on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks.


Attached File: Untitled.png

Current Replies - View all
Re: GoPro video 60 fps an...   (Douglas Brown - )
Re: Re: GoPro video 60 fp...   (Qiang Gui - )
Re: GoPro video 60 fps an...   (Jon Walter - )
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