Hello Mr Brown, First off i really enjoy using your tracker in my physics lessons in 11. grade at a german school and i just want to let you know. Now my question: I've got a pretty decent laptop with A Nvidia 1060 6GB GPU An Intel core i7 6700HQ Oc'd at 3.5Ghz CPU 16 Gb RAM And i'm asking you if there is an option to increase the trackers performance (since there's also an option to set the usable amount of Ram). Thanks in advance, Florian P.
Tracker's performance as a "video player" will always be poor as it converts every video frame to a Java image in order to get full pixel data for auto-tracking, etc. But probably you are hoping to increase the speed of the auto-tracking process. There are 2 things you can do: (1) turn off auto-refresh (refresh button is at far right end of toolbar), which prevents plots and tables from updating after every newly marked point (you can manually refresh with the same button), and (2) uncheck the "Visible" box in the track's menu, which saves time since the marked points are not drawn. This second option is not suitable if you need to monitor the marking process, of course.
You can even hide the video while auto-tracking, but it's pretty weird. And even when you do all these things the auto-tracking will slow down as the number of video frames increases into the 1000s, I'm afraid, because Tracker was designed for the relatively short video clips typically used in physics education.