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calculating maximum velocity and acceleration
Toby Chia
1 Posts

the thing is that I have 3 videos and I have to calculate the maximum acceleration and velocity in between these three videos. In the first we have to fire a coin tube which is empty, then fill it to the half and do the same and lastly the coin tube at maximum weight and fire. Now, I don'tunderstand anything TwT can anyone help me?

Attached File: 20150505_0838491.jpg

Replies to calculating maximum velocity and acceleration

Re: calculating maximum velocity and acceleration -
Ami B
9 Posts

hi Toby,
I am not sure that you will be able to see the acceleration as  it is short time only when in contact with the spring.  the acceleration  decreases in time and eventually the velocity will be constant
you can find the first constant velocity as the higher
having the velocity out of energy calculation you can find the spring coeficient
does this help?

OSP Projects:
Open Source Physics - EJS Modeling
Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
STP Book