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Tracker 4.81 released

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Tracker 4.81 now available
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
449 Posts

Hello Tracker users,

Tracker 4.81 installers for Windows, Mac and Linux are now available from both the Tracker home page (http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/) and ComPADRE (http://www.opensourcephysics.org/items/detail.cfm?ID=7365).

This upgrade improves the useability of the tape and protractor tools, opens OGG videos, adds arabic and czech translations, and fixes some minor bugs.

Please continue to encourage your students to save Tracker projects as Tracker ZIP files (.trz files that contain an entire Tracker experiment, including tracker file, video and HTML documentation).  Browse TRZ files with the Digital Library Browser and search for resources by name, author and keywords. For more information please read the Tracker Help sections Tracker ZIP Files and Digital Library Browser.

Thank you! Doug

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Physlet Quantum Physics
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