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Tracker Forum

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Tips, bug reports, and suggestions for video analysis using Tracker. Before posting a bug report, please use the troubleshooting guide at https://www.compadre.org/osp/items/detail.cfm?ID=16061

  Threads Posts Last Post
Track the tracks of multiple pedestrians at the same time Requires Moderation 1
by ?? ?
High frame rate causing poor acceleration vectors 4
by Bryant Curry
Students using tracker on Macs are not finding their project files 2
by Douglas Brown
Help, Vy Pretty Smooth Line but Ay is erratic 3
by Douglas Brown
Switching the time column 5
by Douglas Brown
Automatic frame rate adjustment for slow motion videos 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.2.0 problem with Sony RX100V 240fps video 4
by Paul Nord
Unexpected behavior X-axis Only autotracker 3
by Johnnie Justice
Video frames playing out of order 6
by Bernard Marcheterre
Video analysis development help with tracking 40 yard dash times and ball throwing metrics 1
by Steve Kahle
Features Suggestions 1
by Martin (Marcus) Marko
None of my tracker projects open since downloading the new version of Tracker 0
Tracker 6.2 is here 1
by Douglas Brown
Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown" 4
by Thornton Jim
Tracker 6.1.7 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.5 released 6
by Clinton McGuire
How is the speed calculated in the tracker 2
by Douglas Brown
is it possible to add the URL of the file to be read by trackerJS ? 2
by Wolfgang
Alingment in a falling balll video 4
by Vasileios Micholos
Nothing Happened When Opening Tracker 12
by Chang Chen
Attach coordinates to a video shot at an angle 3
by Chang Chen
video taken from a android phone seems to have a variable framerate? any way force video taken to be fixed framework? 2
by Wolfgang
Tracker 6.1.5 and 6: Unable to Read and Import Videos and Track files 3
by Jorge Garcia
spectroscopy videos 2
by Douglas Brown
Autotracking not available 3
by Gabriel Grenier
Tracker 6.1.6 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker Online doesn't work 7
by Douglas Brown
How to enable autofill without the prompt in the datatable view 1
by Bobby Hill
Is it possible to create a new column that measures distance traveled over one axis? 4
by Bobby Hill
Add coordinates 2
by Douglas Brown
How to create more point mass 2
by Douglas Brown
Use for pedestrian tracking 2
by Fernando Ferro
Video problem with Tracker Online 5
by Wolfgang
Bug report: Tracker won't start (Ubuntu) 1
by Axel Fragoso
Bug report: UTF-8 coding in tracker.prefs 2
by Vratislav Pechanec
PTS- Is Presentation TimeStamp metadata honored? 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.4 released 1
by Douglas Brown
How to increase autrotracking precision 4
by Fernando Ferro
Perspective filter after tracking 3
by Fernando Ferro
Tracker could not be started due to OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 7
by Vratislav Pechanec
Tracker 6.1.3 - Video Filter 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.3 Installer Renders Wayland System Unusable 1
by Paul DeStefano
Tracker 6.1.3 released 1
by Douglas Brown
iPhone video jitters 8
by Douglas Brown
Tracker completely not responding 1
by harry lin
Data export issue V 6.1.2 6
by Douglas Brown
Imported video stops after first 3 frames 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.2 released 2
by Eduardo Nobre
Tracker-6.1.1.jar identified as malware by Windows 8
by Douglas Brown
measuring distance 1
by Robert Murphy
Using units in Tracker 7
by Douglas Brown
Issues with coordinate system transformations 3
by Peter Smith
Is it possible to track separate "fields" at the same time? 4
by Casana Adams
Tracker Application will not execute 7
by Douglas Brown
Is there a way to edit multiple track points 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.1 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Proportion between pixels and meters? 2
by Douglas Brown
Video exporting issues 2
by Douglas Brown
how to audit the tracked points when dealing with coordinate axes or calibration points? 2
by Douglas Brown
stabililization? is it possible? 5
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.1.0 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Sports biomechanics: More than 2 calibration points? 5
by Fernando Ferro
Tracking Distance from the Camera 2
by Fernando Ferro
Time-lapse movie 3
by Chendler Moor
Possibility of simultaneous tracking of multiple objects 3
by Douglas Brown
6.0.10 Two problems 13
by Bill Noussis
How to solve a moving frame? 2
by lookang
Tracker 6.0.10 released 3
by Douglas Brown
Track limb angles 2
by Douglas Brown
An idea for a new measurement or calibration tool 3
by Bill Noussis
Key Frames - Point Mass 4
by Bob Malahowski
Issue with Tracker graphics. Every time I go to track a new point mass, the windows cascade/tile and it's difficult to work. All functionality seems to work normally, I just cannot see the buttons. Have tried uninstalling multiple times. 5
by Wolfgang
Calculations for >1 step? 4
by Douglas Brown
can't export video clip 7
by Wolfgang
Gravitational acceleration too big 3
by Christof Wiedemair
Bad values of g with phone camera 4
by Christof Wiedemair
A multitude of video problems 3
by Jeff Williams
Model Builder Window doesn't show up after upgrade from 6.02 to 6.03 in linux 4
by Douglas Brown
Difference between 'Point Mass' and 'RGB region' 2
by Douglas Brown
Zooming in outside of the normal mat size 5
by Patrick Cuthbertson
Android video settings - your suggestion about high efficiency video is not on my phone 3
by Wolfgang
Tacker hangs when loading video file 7
by Tanya Hughes
Browser version chromebook bug 5
by Wolfgang
when saving Tracker projects with multiple tabs, currently open tab is duplicated 2
by Douglas Brown
iphone video format 3
by Mark Sprague
Tracker Online download 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.0.9 released 1
by Douglas Brown
how to install open source tracker with silent switch ? 3
by huang jy
Import csv file int-float problem? 2
by Douglas Brown
How to change the shape of the crosshair/cursor? 3
by Daniel R
"Select particles" does not work after creating two-body system? Anyone can help? 3
Problem with format output data - hypen mixed up with negative 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracking a still picture (chronophotograph): An annoying problem 2
by Douglas Brown
Slow to lauch Tracker 1
by Raphaël PLÉ
from versione 6 it is not possible to Open multiple videos 2
by Wolfgang
Notification/Alert dialog window wide and runs off the screen. 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker Trouble-shooting 2
by Asif Haswarey
Copy and Paste a calibration stick 2
by Douglas Brown
profile not calibrating 5
by Kaisa Young
[Help] example videos doesn't work at macOS 3
by Wolfgang
Tracker 6.0.8 released 5
by Douglas Brown
Xuggle is not working on tracker 2
by Matias Gonzalez
Xuggle video engine doesn't work 17
by Matias Gonzalez
Multiple Data Export at Once 3
by ali yilmaz
impossible to deduce the angle from two points and the perpendicular to the vertical 2
by Douglas Brown
Unable to save trz / trk files from tracker 2
by Wolfgang
Online Tracker - Protractor measuring tool. 2
by Wolfgang
Tracker 6.x.x does not launch 1
by Titas Bucelis
Calibration and Autotracker 2
by Douglas Brown
Uncertainty measurement with tracker 2
by Douglas Brown
Latest Version doesn't support AVI-files anymore 3
by Jo Wag
Tracker 6.0.6 on Mac seems unable to load videos 1
by Ruben Lima
Traker does not open any video in Ubuntu 2
by Douglas Brown
Attach points not working in 6.0.5 or 6.0.6 4
by Sean Maudsley-Barton
Bug report: when exporting data from the table view, the decimal separator is always a dot (".") even if the program has been configured to use commas. 3
by Robot Jarvis
Tracker turn off dinging sound 5
by Douglas Brown
Tracker not working on Mac OS 11.6 12
by Wolfgang
Tracker 6.0.6 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker Autotrack stuck 3
by Austin Tsai
Tracker 6.0.5 released 3
by Douglas Brown
luma concept 3
by Petko Elenkin
Autotracker search frame stuck 5
by No Juan
Howto show components of velocity vectors? 2
by Douglas Brown
cannot open tracker file (.trk or .trz) 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker version 6.0.3 released 3
by Laura Quintero
Tracker UI Issue (v6.0.3) 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.0.2 released 2
by Douglas Brown
Embedding Tracker Into a Moodle Quiz Applet 2
by Wolfgang
Polar model builder in 6.01 gives invalid expression error for angular variables 8
by Wolfgang
calculations with different point masses 2
by Douglas Brown
AMD issues when using Point mass 4
by Jesús Mendoza
Tracker changes the language preferences in Windows 3
by John O'Farrell
Tracker 6.0.1 refresh problem 3
by Bill Noussis
Adjust 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 6.0.1 Rotating a video does not rotate the mat 4
by Fernando Di Nezza
.trz files stuck at 95% loaded 2
by Douglas Brown
bug 6.01 unable to compare different masses, it shows only 2 compares when there were 3 masses 2
by Douglas Brown
Online Tracker 2
by Wolfgang
Problem Uploading video 18
by Marco Malavolta
Problems with Tracker version 5.2 and 6.0 9
by Dima ..
Problems with Autofill/ interpolation 3
by Wolfgang
Take-off velocity and take-off angle 7
Optical distortion 1
by Tuan Truong
request: Adding logarithmic filter for video processing 1
by Yoeng Sin Khoe
Ctrl+Shift+Click vs. Tablets 2
by Douglas Brown
Uncertainity 8
by Jens Biele
Linux support 2
by Douglas Brown
Render Bug 3
by Pablo Etcheberry
Tracker on Apple M1 2
by Lucia Gabelli
JS wont start on desktops 2
by Wolfgang
Data Tool - copying Curve Fit constants 2
by Douglas Brown
Not loading .trk files - stuck at 79 % 7
by Wes Loewer
formated data export 2
by Douglas Brown
Autotrack points for multiple evaluations 5
by Douglas Brown
How to change FPS 2
by Stephen Kramer
Issue with atan2 in Tracker 3
by Douglas Brown
Tracker on a Chromebook 2
by Douglas Brown
Strain measurement values of the tensile test 1
by Chris Leson
by Milos Krsmanovic
RGB Region and Standard Error 6
by Ellie B
more than 10.000 frames? 11
by Jens Biele
Autotrack, a fine art 3
by Jens Biele
Autotracker error 1
by Chris Redmond
No resource could be loaded for node 4
by Douglas Brown
Is it possible to run tracker with a graphic card? 1
by Shohei Sato
Is it possible to run tracker with a graphic card? 0
Raspberry Pi 0
Academic papers that make use of tracker/explore its accuracy 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker unexpectedly closing? 5
by Stephen Hayes
Export Video not working 2
by Douglas Brown
Problems to open .trk file again 5
by Jo Mayer
maximizing precision while analysing human body movement in non ideal camera angles 3
Failure to import video: no codec set for coder 4
by Oskar Henning
Perspective Filter - Output Positions in Pixels 6
by Jo Mayer
Joint angle assessment 3
by Cintia França
Tracker 5.1.5 in Mac Big Sur 7
by Mauricio Mendivelso-Villaquirán
Tracker 5.0.4 4
by Rebecca M
relative movement 2
by Douglas Brown
Can an Autotracker template be saved? 3
by Eric Erpelding
No graph when adding point mass. 0
Multiple position/velocity values recorded for a single time value? 4
by Oscar W
One video, different frame per seconds and measuring velocity correctly? Is that possible? 3
by Do?u? Bak?c?
Exporting Multiple Tape Measure Data at Once 6
by Milos Krsmanovic
Low memory error when analyzing videos 1
by Nick Coker
How to adjust slow motion time stamps 4
by James Linzel
Tracker "could not be started with preferred memory," stuck on low memory 2
by Douglas Brown
Video Failed to Import 2
by Douglas Brown
Multiple Calibrations? 2
by Douglas Brown
Video Database 2
by Douglas Brown
no options in tracker to upload video 1
by Phelan Wolf
installation on fedora problem 2
by Wolfgang
external model data is missing after save and reload of .trz file 2
by Douglas Brown
Open from URL no longer possible? 2
by Douglas Brown
Calibration Stick not visible 3
by Philip Krasicky
Tracker 4.75 on MacOS X - autotracker slows way down for long files 8
by Antonio Kanaan Kanaan
Calibration stick 3
by Philip Krasicky
Tracking time intervals instead of motion? 3
by Milos Krsmanovic
upload processed data that can be displayed in the tracker graphs 8
by Wolfgang
In Autotracker how do I suggest a new target? 2
by Douglas Brown
Can Autotracker track several objects simulaneously? 2
by Douglas Brown
how is vx calculated? 4
by Douglas Brown
No files shown in file explorer Tracker 5.1.5 3
by Douglas Brown
Tracker hangs while loading trk files 3
by Durig Lewis
Tracker 5.1.5 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Anybody Install This on a Rasberry Pi??? 1
by Tom Sturik
Calibration Points resetting to upper-left-hand-corner of video when clicked? 0
No Video Engine: video engines not working 2
by Henry Webb
Point mass between two tracked points? 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 5.1.4 released 3
by Wolfgang
Can tracker calculate speed of a squash ball? 2
by Michael Jenner
Copy and paste calibration stick to another video 3
by Marco Malavolta
Issue Uploading Video 2
by Paul Nord
Cyclic movement marking 1
by Róbert Olasz
Autotracker Search not working 4
by Wolfgang
Need Help Interpreting Data 3
by Donald Krolak
Perspective Filter Question 2
by Douglas Brown
Upside down video when a video with .mov is imported 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker makes laptop freeze 2
by Laët Vib
Takes a long time to open the program and very laggy 3
by Laët Vib
Mobile origin 5
by Laët Vib
Change the fps in tracker 2
by Douglas Brown
Xuggle Error: Video engine not working (when xuggle file in how directory) 1
by N. Agarwal
Problem with xuggle 7
by N. Agarwal
How to install Tracker on Ubuntu 1
by Michael Peschk
TRZ with jpeg or png: no video 0
How to record time spent in a specified zone 3
by Mark Teshera
I can't find any video after upgrading to 5.1.3 in OSX Catalina 2
by Douglas Brown
Quicktime isn't showing under video preferences 7
by Dave Walkerlw
Tracker 5.1.3 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker with slow mo video 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker on MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 Fails 4
by Douglas Brown
fixed parameters for Data Tool Autofit 1
by Wes Loewer
default to frame number and pixels instead of seconds and metres 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker Video Error 6
by Douglas Brown
Tracker Distribution 2
by Douglas Brown
Any way to run Tracker on a Chromebook? 12
by Luca Demian
Tracker 5.1.2 2
by Ira Lee
Reusing measurement setup created for one film in a second film 2
by Douglas Brown
How many fps do I need for classic physics experients (free fall, spring projectile launchers) 1
by Benjamin Teglbjærg
Limitations on Using Tracker Videos 3
by Steven Addison
Can't contact you via email to send translation files 1
by Daniel Parcerisas
Tracker shuts down while analyzing 3
by Douglas Brown
Como é feito o calculo da velocidade e da aceleração? Qual algoritmo ou método é utilizado? Como faço para calcular essas grandezas? 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 5.1.1 1
by Douglas Brown
Line Profile Time Scale 2
by Douglas Brown
Marked frames dont always auto-advance 6
by Paul Nord
Tracker 5.1 1
by Douglas Brown
Struggling with AVI files 3
by Stephen Robinson
problems with autotracking (ver 4.72) 9
by Wolfgang
Measuring people 2
by Douglas Brown
Is it possible to make a type of Tracker Applet in HTML to be able to embed in Moodle? 0
Tracker 5.0.7 1
by Douglas Brown
Question/suggestion: target tracking and calibration 4
by Douglas Brown
cant open .trk files in Tracker 5
by Douglas Brown
Variable angle for coordinate system 3
by Nicolas MALESYS
"No Video Engine" and "Xuggle error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xuggle-xuggler in java.library.path" 9
by Davide Zanin
Problems with the "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" 2
by warner wanton
Autotracking not tracking 1
by Anthony Smith
Does Tracker have a file size limit? 3
by Noah Allen
Tracker Error (Xuggle error with opening .mov file) 1
by dude man
Tracker goes crazy 2
by Douglas Brown
Open live video from device for spectrodcopy 1
by Guillaume Mazaleyrat
Dynamic Rotation Measurement (Best practices) 3
by Paul Beeken
phone camera with non constant FPS 2
by Paul Beeken
Error: Could not encode Video - Timebase not supported by mpeg 4 Standard 5
by Thomas Rufer
Vehicle tracking 1
by Gabri Giaco
Tracker frame times appear to be inconsistent 1
by Jerry Gilfoyle
Cannot open .trk file 1
by Mehran Abolghasemi
problem with video distortion 3
by Douglas Brown
Spectroscopy with the tracker 2
by Douglas Brown
vx and vy not being calculated 2
by Douglas Brown
Weird displacement-time graphs 0
2D to 3D 3
by Doug Marsh
Tracker 5.0.6 1
by Douglas Brown
just Fixed the Singapore Tracker Digital Library 1
by lookang
Video freezes on step back 3
by Steve Draper
Movement of rocket 17
by Douglas Brown
Tracking Dice Faces on Tracker Software 1
by David Stringham
video problem with high frame-rate file 5
by Tommy Hui
How can students start on the same frame and get different times 3
by Jon Walter
GoPro video 60 fps and 120 fps 4
by Jon Walter
Tracker 5.0.5 12th May 2018 not full screening on a 2560 x 1440 monitor 3
by alex ng
Tracker/Open Source Physics/ComPADRE public lecture for Singapore 1
by lookang
Export Video Quality 3
by Paul Nord
Data Export 8
by Douglas Brown
Two Objects 2
by Douglas Brown
damped harmonic oscillator 2
by Douglas Brown
Software freeware for Firms 6
by Douglas Brown
Video Engine error 13
by Tassos Kallianiotis
Need the ecuations that Tracker uses to calculate velocity and acceleration for a demostration in a paper 4
by Douglas Brown
GoPro Lens Correction? 17
by Jon Walter
Changing decimal separator to a period 3
by Gerwyn Hughes
Tracker 5.0 released 20
by Douglas Brown
export multiple rgb regions 4
by alex ng
Tracker 4.11.0 released 2
by Wolfgang
Tracker 4.10.0 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracking muscle fascicles through ultrasound ! 3
by Georgios M
Tracker 4.9.8 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Camera Angle Issue 5
by Chris Fortunato
Tracker files not loading properly 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.97 released 2
by Max Chen
Data lost after 10000 frames 12
by Max Chen
Tracker does'nt open Video 5
by Douglas Brown
Tracker isn't work at windos 10 8
by Douglas Brown
Tutorial: Can't select Clipboard 6
by Douglas Brown
Startup Issues 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.96 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Dynamic particle model: How to use acceleration? 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker changes playback speed after .mov import 2
by Douglas Brown
Some frames in my avi file are excluded due to variable time duration 1
by chieh dai
Is there an option to increase perormance? 2
by Douglas Brown
Won't load video from phone 5
by Scott McCullough
Tracker 4.95 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Perspective filter problem 3
by Anastasios Koimas
feature request 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.94 released 1
by Douglas Brown
high speed camera for experiments 10
by Scott McCullough
tracker osx el capitan 2
by Douglas Brown
Quicktime Support for Windows ended - Uninstall reccomended 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker HTML file tutorial 1
by lookang
tracker with l-o-n-g video 5
by Jim Deane
Stepwise Functions 2
by Douglas Brown
Cannot Import Videos 2
by Sjoerd Ypma
Display problem with new windows 8 laptop 6
by Douglas Brown
Hello I have a question about the speed at which the curves show a distorted image that n is the reason to see the failure to identify quickly? 2
by Douglas Brown
is there a bug in the acceleration vector in the world view in polar coordinate system? 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.92 release 1
by Douglas Brown
Missing file in distribution? 3
by lookang
How to determine an estimate of speed and overall distance travelled 3
by molly mactaggart
Tracker slows down after each frame 3
by Micha? Marszal
Using tracker with 64-bit Java 3
by Lindsey Dubb
Tracker 4.91 linux 64-bit version, Xuggle not working 1
by Nick Zhang
Tracker and 120 frames/second 3
by Dionysis Konstantinou
Tracker 4.90 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker on Linux odroid 1
by Kristiyan Balabanov
can Tracker Models compensate for a moving reference frame ? 2
by Douglas Brown
possible new bug in Tracker 4.88? during export the clip is not trim for *.MOV files + *.MOV files must have no blank spaces 1
by lookang
[Bug] Export Data to Excel 3
by manos bar
(help) I need help with an experiment I have to do 2
by Ami B
Tracker says "quicktime is not installed" even if I have installed it. 7
by harold ship
Tracker 4.87 beta 9
by Douglas Brown
Video Failed 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker tutorials 4
by Douglas Brown
NullPointerException when using mp4's downloaded from youtube 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker in Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite : Xuggle problem 16
by Ethan Kao
Tracker 4.87 1
by Douglas Brown
Smoothing algorithm for x & y data 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.86 released 7
by Thimios Papakyriakopoulos
Tracker versus Windows 8: New User Error? 2
by Douglas Brown
Open 12
by Wallace Barbosa
Java Error on Mac OSX using 4.85 6
by Paul Mall
Tracker on old iMacs 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker not moving search area 4
by Douglas Brown
Tablet computer help 4
by Ivo Gienal
possible bug when trk has 3 complex models? 2
by lookang
trz open in Mac but not in Windows i think, can try if you can? 2
by lookang
velocity not smooth in tracker 4.85 dynamic model for free fall with air drag 9
by Douglas Brown
Digital Library cannot remove base URL if i first use the folder direction to save? 7
by Douglas Brown
Feature Request: File folder location 4
by Douglas Brown
Measuring g in simple free fall (incorrect values from fits) 8
by Paul Nord
video tutorial on how to have a shifting axes to reflect a changing origin? 3
by lookang
Localized/non localized decimal separators 5
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.85 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.6 now available 5
by osman diyaka
Tracker 4.84 freezes 4
by Douglas Brown
Tracker quits while starting on Mac 2
by Douglas Brown
Using slider in tracker to change value ? 2
by Douglas Brown
Java(TM) Platform SE binary doesn't work any more 7
by Holger SWF
Tracker 4.84 1
by Douglas Brown
Using Tracker in the Classroom 1
by Wolfgang
tracker_start.log 2
by Douglas Brown
Not able to load video 5
by urvashi raheja
Colors for velocity and acceleration vectors 6
by Georgios Tsalakos
Stretch celocity and acceleration Vector independently 2
by Douglas Brown
Velocity problem with the step size 3
by Ismael Lozano
angualr velocity and rotation angle 2
by lookang
camera suggestions? 4
by lookang
Tracker 4.82 released 1
by Douglas Brown
freefall2 2
by lookang
any way tracker can be used to estimate the motion of a takeoff airplane? 3
by lookang
Endless loop when loading video 3
by Paul Fontana
algorithm of tracker? 6
by Douglas Brown
Tracker video loading issue 2
by Douglas Brown
How to estimate distance covered and speed of object in tracker 4.80? 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.81 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Cameras compatible with Tracker 1
by Tommi Holsenbeck
Track Calibration Point Pair 5
by Martin Peters
Do we need a password when installing tracker on Mac computer? 1
by Robbie Xin
Xuggle 3.4 <-> 5.4 3
by Foo Bar
Tracker 4.80 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.75 1
by Douglas Brown
Basic compiling question 4
by Douglas Brown
AAPT 2013 Winter Meeting Tracker Session 1
by Wolfgang
Tracker 4.71 file opening problem 2
by Ivo Gienal
Tracker 4.72 released 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker 4.71 released 2
by Georgios Tsalakos
Tracker 4.62 File Opening Bug 4
by Douglas Brown
new Tracker beta now available 4
by Douglas Brown
Use Tracker in Java 2
by Douglas Brown
Sensor data inquiring into table 2
by Douglas Brown
Tracker on OSX Lion 2
by Douglas Brown
Video Instruction on use of tracker for analysis 2
by lookang
Vista 64bit 2
by Wolfgang
Tracker 3.0 1
by Douglas Brown
Tracker on Snow Leopard 1
by Douglas Brown
Apple QuickTime 3
by Douglas Brown
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