published by
the Addison-Wesley
written by
Alan Van Heuvelen and Paul D'Alessandris
This website contains a collection of tutorials on introductory physics. Topics include Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, waves & optics, E & M, relativity, and quantum physics. The tutorials consist of a series of questions accompanied by java applets to demonstrate the situation in question, along with tips and hints for students. This material is organized to support several different Pearson-published introductory textbooks.
<a href="">Van Heuvelen, Alan, and Paul D'Alessandris. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online. Boston: Addison-Wesley, September 15, 2010.</a>
A. Van Heuvelen and P. D'Alessandris, Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online (Addison-Wesley, Boston, 1995), <>.
Van Heuvelen, A., & D'Alessandris, P. (2010, September 15). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from Addison-Wesley:
Van Heuvelen, Alan, and Paul D'Alessandris. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online. Boston: Addison-Wesley, September 15, 2010. (accessed 22 January 2025).
Van Heuvelen, Alan, and Paul D'Alessandris. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1995. 15 Sep. 2010. 22 Jan. 2025 <>.
Author = "Alan Van Heuvelen and Paul D'Alessandris",
Title = {Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online},
Publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
Volume = {2025},
Number = {22 January 2025},
Month = {September 15, 2010},
Year = {1995}
%A Alan Van Heuvelen %A Paul D'Alessandris %T Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online %D September 15, 2010 %I Addison-Wesley %C Boston %U %O application/java
%0 Electronic Source %A Van Heuvelen, Alan %A D'Alessandris, Paul %D September 15, 2010 %T Physics for Scientists and Engineers: ActivPhysics Online %I Addison-Wesley %V 2025 %N 22 January 2025 %8 September 15, 2010 %9 application/java %U
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