Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials Publications


Kathleen Koenig, Robert Teese, Alexandru Maries and Michelle Chabot, "Promoting Problem Solving through Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials," Phys. Teach. 60, (May 2022) 331-334.

Robert Teese, Kathleen Koenig and David Jackson, "Interactive Video Vignettes for Teaching Science," in J. J. Mintzes and E. M. Walter, Editors, Active Learning in College Science: The Case for Evidence-Based Practice. Berlin: Springer Nature (2020).

Koenig, K., Sunny, C., Maries, A., and Teese, R., Interactive video enhanced tutorials: A tool for promoting self-paced learning and engagement for future engineers. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual conference, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (2021). Download FIE-2021-Proceedings-34059.pdf

Teese R B, Koenig K, Maries A, and Chabot M, Interactive online lectures for asynchronous delivery. Proceedings of the GIREP Webinar 2021, Malta (2021).  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2297 012004 (2022). Available online at

Presentations and Posters

Maries, A., Koenig, K., and Teese, R. (October, 2022). Using web-based Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials to improve students' problem-solving skills, Fall Meeting of the Southern Ohio Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Cincinnati, OH. Download slides

Teese, R., Koenig, K. and Maries, A. (September 2022) Improving student problem solving with interactive online tutorials. 25th International Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, Wroclaw, Poland. Download extended abstract Download poster

Koenig, K., Maries, A., and Teese, R. (July 2022). Incorporating affect in the design of interactive web-based problem-solving tutorials. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. Download slides

Koenig, K., Teese, R., and Maries, A. (June 2022). Teaching problem solving in introductory physics using interactive video-enhanced tutorials. 2022 IUSE Summit, Washington, DC. Download slides

Koenig, K., Maries, A., Sheppard, L., & Teese, R. (January 2022). Teaching problem solving in one-dimensional kinematics using interactive video-enhanced tutorials. American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Massie, R., Koenig, K., Maries, A., & Teese, R. (January 2022). Reducing the gender gap in introductory physics using interactive tutorials. American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Koenig, K., Maries, A., Teese, R., and Chabot, M. (July 2021). Video versus interactive video for impact on learning. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Maries, A., Koenig, K., Teese, R., and Chabot, M. (July 2021). Improving student understanding of Thermal Equilibrium with an interactive tutorial. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Koenig, K., Teese, R., Maries, A. and Chabot, M. (January, 2020). Promoting problem-solving abilities through web-based interactive video-enhanced tutorials. American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, Orlando, FL. [Invited] Download slides

Maries, A., Koenig, K., Ross, J., Teese, R., & Chabot, M. (July, 2020). Interactive video-enhanced tutorials: Design to support effective problem-solving strategies. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Koenig, K., Teese, R., Maries, A., Ross, J. & Chabot, M. (July, 2020). Interactive video-enhanced tutorials: Impact on student problem-solving abilities. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, virtual. Download slides

Koenig, K., Maries, A., Teese, R., & Chabot, M. (July, 2019). Interactive video-enhanced tutorials on problem-solving in physics: Preliminary results. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Provo, UT. Download slides