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As part of a long-term program to develop effective, research-based professional development programs for physics graduate student teaching assistants (TAs), we first identify their…
E. Etkina, A. Warren, and M. Gentile, Phys. Teach., 44 (1), 34-39 (2006).
The word modeling is becoming more and more common in physics, chemistry, and general science instruction. In physics, students learn models of the solar system, light, and atom. In…
A. Ambrosis, P. Mascheretti, and L. Borghi, Phys. Educ., 38 (1), 41-46 (2003).
The research reported here focuses on links between teachers' comprehension of the underlying physics and their development of educational strategies for classroom work during…
T. O'Brien Pride, S. Vokos, and L. McDermott, Am. J. Phys., 66 (2), 147-157.
The issue of how to assess learning is addressed in the context of an investigation of student understanding of the work-energy and impulse-momentum theorems. Evidence is presented…
E. Etkina, Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development, 7 (3), 123-137 (2000).
Describes a "Basics of Teaching Physics" course as an approach to training teaching assistants (TAs) in science, math, engineering, and technology (SMET) departments. The regular…