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Using Qualitative Methods to Make and Support Claims in Physics Education Research Documents

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Using Qualitative Methods to Make and Support Claims in Physics Education Research 

written by Cody Sandifer and Andy Johnson

This session was designed to stimulate conversations about the use of qualitative methods in physics education research.  To start the session, we presented a general overview of qualitative research.  Then, to provide a context for discussion, we conducted a mini research activity; in this activity, we introduced data (interview, video transcripts, and student work) from a university physics course for preservice teachers.  Participants were given the task of examining the data and deciding whether a particular claim was sufficiently supported by the data.  A rich discussion ensued, in which many research-related issues were raised.  These issues, which we suggest might serve as topics of discussion for future sessions, are listed and briefly editorialized at the end of this paper.

Published August 7, 2002
Last Modified April 11, 2009

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