Featured Resource Archive

2016 AAPT-ALPhA Award - The Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect ` - Apr 26, 2017

2016 AAPT-ALPhA Prize

Mechanical Chaotic Oscillator ` - Apr 25, 2017

2015 AAPT-ALPhA Award

2015 BFY Proceedings ` - Nov 23, 2015

The 2015 Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College (BFY II) gathered 150 members of the advanced lab community to share effective lab curricula, teaching methods, and experiments. The Conference Proceedings provide peer-reviewed documentation of the posters and workshops that were presented as part of the conference.

Lighting the Fire ` - May 15, 2007

Read Dick Peterson's Interactions article regarding the importance and future of the Advanced Laboratory Course.