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Search string: physics
Federation Services: ComPADRE MERLOT ADS Education
Returned Records: 100 10 0
Results #1-#10 of 110 Next Page

ComPADRE Catalog Record
1 of 100 from ComPADRE
Physics and Ethics Education Project
High School
Lower Undergraduate
Informal Education
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This website, provided through the Physics and Ethics Education Project (PEEP), contains resources for students and teachers to consider the ethical implications of physics. Information on a range of ethical issues, activities and challenges, and online discussions are available...
MERLOT Catalog Record
1 of 10 from MERLOT
MERLOT/Physics Editorial Board, MERLOT
This document outlines the criteria used to evaluate items in MERLOT/Physics by the Peer Review panel.
ComPADRE Catalog Record
2 of 100 from ComPADRE
Phun Physics
Elementary School
Informal Education
Middle School
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Phun Physics is a physics demonstration show available to local schools within 60 miles of Charlottesville, VA. The demonstrations introduce several basic physics topics, are approximately 45 minutes long, and can be varied for presentation to grades 3-12. The purpose of the sho...
MERLOT Catalog Record
2 of 10 from MERLOT
Physics Force
This page provides a list of the demonstrations performed by the Physics Force as part of a Physics Circus outreach program. Explanations are provided for each of the demonstrations. Videos are provided for some spectacular ones.
ComPADRE Catalog Record
3 of 100 from ComPADRE
Physics Circus
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Informal Education
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In today's schools there is a growing need to supplement and improve existing programs in the physical sciences. The goal of the physics circus team is to introduce and discuss a collection of fundamental concepts in physics using accessible language, familiar experiences, demon...
MERLOT Catalog Record
3 of 10 from MERLOT
Rajeev Ahaja (Editor-in-Chief), Cogent Physics; Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group (UK)
Cogent Physics is a fully peer reviewed, open access journal with a mission to help researchers communicate with a global audience, and interact with expert scientists from across the physics community and beyond. Cogent physics considers theoretical, experimental, or applied…
ComPADRE Catalog Record
4 of 100 from ComPADRE
Physics Force
Lower Undergraduate
Middle School
High School
Elementary School
Informal Education
Upper Undergraduate
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This page provides a list of the demonstrations performed by the Physics Force as part of a Physics Circus outreach program. Explanations are provided for each of the demonstrations. Videos are provided for some spectacular ones.
MERLOT Catalog Record
8. Physics
4 of 10 from MERLOT
'The Boundless Physics is a college-level, introductory textbook that covers the complex and intriguing subject of Physics. Boundless works with subject matter experts to select the best open educational resources available on the web, review the content for quality, and…
ComPADRE Catalog Record
5 of 100 from ComPADRE
Phun Physics
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Informal Education
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This classroom demonstration illustrates the concept of inertia. A large wooden crochet hoop is balanced on the lip of a glass soda bottle. A pencil is then balanced atop the hoop. The pencil remains stationary until the demonstrator yanks the hoop in a downward angle. Perfor...
MERLOT Catalog Record
10. Physics
5 of 10 from MERLOT
Open Learning Initiative
This free, online course "includes self-guiding materials and activities, and is ideal for independent learners, or instructors trying out this course package." "The Andes Physics course currently provides over 500 problems that are suitable for both calculus and non-calculus…
Results #1-#10 of 110 Next Page