Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package Relations

Compadre Portal Related Resources

Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package is based on Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool
relation created by Anne Cox

The Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool is needed to explore the computational model used in the Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package.

Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package covers the same topic as Electric Field: What is Wrong? Package
relation created by Anne Cox

Electric Field: What is Wrong? package shows incorrect versions of similar simulations. Students need to identify the error.

Other Related Resources

Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package is the basis for Coulomb Force Model by Anne Cox
relation created by wee lookang

made some changes:
redesign the control panel
added finer control of position x and y
added Q slider that remembers the state of the charges

Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Package is part of
relation created by Caroline Hall

A database of Easy Java Simulations categorized by subject. It is part of the OSP (Open Source Physics) Project.

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