Ising 3D Checkerboard Decomposition Model Documents

This material has 3 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.

Main Document

Ising 3D Checkerboard Decomposition Model 

written by Wolfgang Christian

The three-dimensional Ising Checkerboard Decomposition model solves the Ising model on a parallel computer by partitioning the spin lattice into alternating squares, as on a red and black checkerboard, and uses the property that squares of the same partition only interact with neighboring squares of the opposite partition. Using a lattice with one million sites, we use a parallel loop to test half a million configurations by flipping squares of a single partition before switching to the other partition.
The parallel loop used in this simulation behaves like a standard loop except that iterations are performed concurrently on separate processors.  Additional windows display a cross section through the cubical spin lattice and a histogram showing how may spin flips are performed by each thread.

The Ising 3D Checkerboard Decomposition Model was developed using the Easy Java Simulations (Ejs) modeling tool.  It is distributed as a ready-to-run (compiled) Java archive.  Double clicking the jar file will run the program if Java is installed.

Published October 14, 2013
Last Modified October 18, 2017

This file has previous versions.

Primary Documents

Parallel Programming Tutorial 

A step-by-step introduction to parallel programming in Java using EJS.

Last Modified December 22, 2017

This file is included in the full-text index.

Source Code Documents

Ising 3D Checkerboard Decomposition Source Code 

The source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the Ising 3D Checkerboard Decomposition Model.   Unzip this archive in your Ejs workspace to compile and run this model using Ejs.

Last Modified October 18, 2017

This file has previous versions.