This material has 4 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.
written by
William Junkin, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni
In this hands-on workshop participants will create a demo Moodle site that incorporates text, multimedia resources, and OSP simulations. This workshop will benefit high school and college teachers who wish to use Moodle for curriculum distribution and course management. We will discuss the pedagogical and technical issues and have participants add to their demo Moodle site resources and activities such as warm-up (JiTT) pre-class questions, in-class polling (Peer Instruction with IPAL) using mobile devices and/or clickers, Open Source Physics models, and other resources from ComPADRE. Participants will leave with copies of their demo Moodle site, providing resources for use in their Fall courses. Participants may bring their own laptops.
Published July 11, 2013
Last Modified July 11, 2013
Schedule of the Workshop in Word Document format for archiving.
Published July 11, 2013
Last Modified July 11, 2013
An introduction to Moodle and available Moodle tools.
Published July 12, 2013
Last Modified July 12, 2013
This file is included in the full-text index.
A pdf of handout resources for the workshop
Published July 12, 2013
Last Modified July 12, 2013